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Wat beveel God in die sesde en sewende gebod? – Die belydenisskrifte

1. Lees die aanhalings uit die Heidelbergse Kategismus 105-109 en die Westminster Geloofsbelydenis 24 hieronder. Wat leer jy van wat God van ons verwag in die sesde en sewende gebod? Wat beteken dit vir jou? Wat vra dit van jou?

Heidelbergse Kategismus 105-109

105 Vraag: Wat eis God in die sesde gebod?

Antwoord: Ek mag nie self en ook nie deur iemand anders my naaste onteer, haat, beledig of doodmaak nie. Ek mag dit nie met my gedagtes, woorde of gebare doen nie en nog minder met die daad (a). Ek moet alle wraaksug laat vaar (b). Ek mag ook myself nie kwaad aandoen of moedswillig in gevaar begewe nie (c). Daarom dra die owerheid die swaard om doodslag te weer (d).

(a) Matt 5:21, 22; 26:52; Gen 9:6. (b) Ef 4:26; Rom 12:I9; Matt 5:25;18:35. (c) Rom 13:14; Kol 2:23; Matt 4:7. (d) Gen 9:6; Eks 21:14; Matt 26:52; Rom 13:4.

106 Vraag: Praat hierdie gebod net van doodmaak?

Antwoord: Deur doodmaak te verbied, leer God ons dat Hy die wortel daarvan (a), soos afguns, haat (b), woede (c) en wraaklus verafsku. Dit alles is vir Hom heimlike moord (d).

(a) Spr 14:30; Rom 1:29. (b) 1 Joh 2:11. (c) Jak 1:20; Gal 5:19-21. (d) 1 Joh 3:15.

107 Vraag: Het ons die gebod gehoorsaam as ons maar net nie ons naaste doodmaak, soos hierbo gesê is nie?

Antwoord: Nee, terwyl God afguns, haat en woede verbied, gebied Hy dat ons ons naaste moet liefhê soos onsself (a). Ons moet teenoor hom geduldig, vredeliewend, sagmoedig, barmhartig en vriendelik wees (b), alles wat hom kan benadeel, sover moontlik probeer voorkom (c) en selfs aan ons vyande goed doen (d).

(a) Matt 22:39; 7:12; Rom 12:10. (b) Ef 4:2; Gal 6:1, 2;Matt 5:5; Rom 12:18; Luk 6:36; Matt 5:7; 1 Pet 3:8; Kol 3:12. (c) Eks 23:5. (d) Matt 5:44, 45; Rom 12:20.

108 Vraag: Wat leer die sewende gebod ons?

Antwoord: Alle onkuisheid is deur God vervloek (a), en daarom moet ons dit hartgrondig haat (b). Daarenteen moet ons kuis en ingetoë lewe (c) sowel binne as buite die huwelik (d).

(a) Lev 18:28. (b) Jud 1:23. (c) 1 Tess 4:3-5. (d) Heb 13:4; 1 Kor 7:7.

109 Vraag: Verbied God in hierdie gebod niks meer as net egbreuk en sulke skandes nie?

Antwoord: Omdat beide, ons liggaam en siel, ‘n tempel van die Heilige Gees is, wil God dat ons altwee rein en heilig bewaar. Daarom verbied hy alle onkuise dade, gebare, woorde (a), gedagtes, luste (b) en alles wat ‘n mens daartoe kan verlei (c).

(a) Ef 5:3, 4; 1 Kor 6:18, 19. (b) Matt 5:27, 28. (c) Ef 5:18; 1 Kor 15:33.

Westminster Geloofsbelydenis 24

Marriage and Divorce

1. Marriage is a union between one man and one woman, designed of God to last so long as they both shall live.1

1. Gn 2.23-24, 1 Cor 7.2,39, Mt 19.4-6, Eph 5.28,31,33, 1 Cor 13.8,13, Mt 5.31-32, Mk 10.5-9, Rom 7.2-3.

2. Marriage is designed for the mutual help of husband and wife;2for the safeguarding, undergirding, and development of their moral and spiritual character;3for the propagation of children and the rearing of them in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.4

2. Gn 2.18,24.

3. Gn 1.27-28, Eph 5.22-23, Col 3.18-19, Gn 2.18-25, 1 Cor 7.3-5, 9, 36.

4. Gn 1.27-28, 9.1, Mal 2.15, Mt 18.5-6,10,14, 19.14, Eph 6.1-4, Col 3.20-21, Mk 10.13-16, Lk 18.15-17.

3. All persons who are able with judgment to give their consent may marry,5 except within the limits of blood relationship forbidden by Scripture,6and such marriages are valid before God in the eyes of the church.7But no marriage can be fully and securely Christian in spirit or in purpose unless both partners are committed to a common Christian faith and to a deeply shared intention of building a Christian home. Evangelical Christians should seek as partners in marriage only persons who hold in common a sound basis of evangelical faith.8

5. Gn 1.27-28.

6. Mk 6.18, 1 Cor 5.1, Lv 18.6-18.

7. Mk 1.30, Jn 2.1-2, 1 Tm 5.14, Heb 13.4, 1 Cor 7.7,36, 9.5, 1 Tm 4.3.

8. 1 Cor 7, esp. v. 39, 2 Cor 6.14-15.

4. Marriage for the Christian has religious as well as civil significance.9The distinctive contribution of the church in performing the marriage ceremony is to affirm the divine institution of marriage;10to invoke God’s blessing upon those who enter into the marital relationship in accordance with his word;11to hear the vows of those who desire to be married; and to assure the married partners of God’s grace within their new relationship.12

9. Prv 18.22, Mt 19.6, Eph 5.29-30, 32, Mk 10.9, 11-12.

10. Gn 1.27-28.

11. Mk 10.9.

12. Eph 5.22-23

5. It is the divine intention that persons entering the marriage covenant become inseparably united, thus allowing for no dissolution save that caused by the death of either husband or wife.13However, the weaknesses of one or both partners may lead to gross and persistent denial of the marriage vows; yet only in cases of extreme, unrepented-of, and irremediable unfaithfulness (physical or spiritual) should separation or divorce be considered. Such separation or divorce is accepted as permissible only because of the failure of one or both of the partners, and does not lessen in any way the divine intention for indissoluble union.14

13. Gn 2.23-24, Mt 5.31-32, Mk 10.5-9, Rom 7.2-3, 1 Cor 7.2, 10-11,39, Eph 5.28,31,33, Mt 19.4-9, 1 Cor 13.4-13.

14. Mk 10.4-9, 1 Cor 7.12-13, 15, Mt 19.7-9.

6. The remarriage of divorced persons may be sanctioned by the church in keeping with the redemptive gospel of Christ, when sufficient penitence for sin and failure is evident, and a firm purpose of and endeavor after Christian marriage is manifested.15

15. 2 Sm 12.13, Neh 9.17, Ps 32.5, 130.4, Mt 12.31a, 21.31-32, Jn 8.3,11, Rom 3.23, Gal 6.1, 1 Tm 2.4, Heb 7.25, 1 Jn 1.9, 2.1-2, Lk 7.36-50, 15.11-32, Jn 3.16-17, Rom 10.9-10.

7. Divorced persons should give prayerful thought to discover if God’s vocation for them is to remain unmarried, since one failure in this realm raises serious questions as to the rightness and wisdom of undertaking another union.16

16. Mt 5.31-32, 1 Cor 7.10-11, 20, 32-35, Mk 10.11, Lk 16.18.

2. Loof die Here in gebed vir die spesifieke wysheid en insig wat die geloofsbelydenisse jou gee oor wat God van jou met die sesde en sewende gebod verwag.

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Wie is God?

Chris van Wyk

Ek is Direkteur van Bediening en Geestelike Vorming by Veritas College International. My passie in die lewe is om God bo alles te dien en gelowiges in geloofsvorming te begelei. I am Director of Ministry and Spiritual Formation at Veritas College International. My passion in life is to serve God above all and to lead believers in faith formation.

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