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Wat beveel God in die vierde en vyfde gebod? – Die belydenisskrifte

1. Lees die aanhalings uit die Heidelbergse Kategismus en die Westminster Geloofsbelydenis hieronder. Wat leer jy van wat God van ons verwag in die vierde en vyfde gebod? Wat beteken dit vir jou? Wat vra dit van jou?

Heidelbergse Kategismus 103-104

103 Vraag: Wat gebied God in die vierde gebod?

Antwoord: God wil Ten eerste dat die Woordbediening en die godsdiensonderrig in stand gehou word (a). Ook moet ek veral op die rusdag ywerig met die gemeente van God saamkom (b) om die Woord van God te hoor (c), die sakramente te gebruik (d), die Here openlik aan te roep (e) en die Christelike liefdegawes te gee (f). Ten tweede moet ek elke dag van my lewe van my bose werke rus, en die Here deur sy Gees in my laat werk. So begin ek die ewige sabbat reeds in hierdie lewe (g).

(a) Tit 1:5; 2 Tim 3:14; 1 Kor 9:13, 14; 2 Tim 2:2; 3:15. (b) Ps 40:10, 11; 68:27; Hand 2:42. (c) 1 Tim 4:13;1 Kor 14:29. (d) 1 Kor 11:33. (e) 1 Tim 2:1; 1 Kor:l4:l6. (f) 1 Kor 16:2. (g) Jes 66:23.

104 Vraag: Wat eis God in die vyfde gebod?

Antwoord: Ek moet my vader en moeder en almal wat oor my gestel is, alle eer, liefde en trou bewys. Aan hulle goeie leer en tug moet ek my met die verskuldigde gehoorsaamheid onderwerp (a). Ook moet ek met hulle gebreke geduld hê (b), omdat God ons deur hulle wil regeer (c).

(a) Ef 6:1, 2, 5; Kol 3:18, 20, 22; Ef 5:22; Spr 1:8; 4:1; 15:20; 20:20; Eks 21:17; Rom 13:1. (b) Spr 23:22; Gen 9:24;1 Pet 2:18. (c) Ef 6:4, 9; Kol 3:20; Rom 13:2, 3; Matt 22:21

Westminster Geloofsbelydenis 21.5-8

Chapter 21 Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day

5. The ordinary worship of God includes: the reverent and attentive reading of the Scriptures,17the sound preaching18and conscientious hearing of the word in obedience to God with understanding and faith;19singing of psalms with grace in the heart;20and the proper administration and right receiving of the sacraments instituted by Christ.21Then there are religious oaths22and vows,23solemn fasting,24and thanksgiving on special occasions.25Worship should include these at appropriate times, and they should be performed in a holy and religious manner.26

17. Acts 15.21, Rv 1.3, Acts 17.11.

18. 2 Tm 4.2.

19. Jas 1.22, Acts 10.33, Mt 13.19, Heb 4.2, Is 66.2.

20. Col 3.16, Eph 5.19, Jas 5.13, Acts 16.25.

21. Mt 28.19, 1 Cor 11.23-29, Acts 2.42.

22. Dt 6.13, Neh 10.29.

23. Is 19.21, Eccl 5.4-5, Acts 18.18, Ps 116.14, Neh 10.29.

24. Jl 2.12, Est 4.16, Mt 9.15, 1 Cor 7.5, Mt 6.17-18.

25. Ps 107, Est 9.22, Neh 12.31-43.

26. Heb 12.28, Jn 4.24, Heb 10.22.

6. Under the gospel neither prayer nor any other part of religious worship is tied to or made more acceptable by being performed in any particular place.27God is to be worshiped everywhere28in spirit and in truth;29in private families30daily;31privately by individuals daily;32and regularly in solemn public gatherings, which are not to be carelessly or willfully neglected or forsaken, since God calls us to join other believers in public worship.33

27. Jn 4.21.

28. Mal 1.11, 1 Tm 2.8.

29. Jn 4.23-24.

30. Jer 10.25, Dt 6.6-7, Jb 1.5, 2 Sm 6.8-18, 20, 1 Pt 3.7, Acts 10.2.

31. Mt 6.11, Jos 24.15, Dn 6.10.

32. Mt 6.6, Eph 6.18, Neh 1.4-11.

33. Is 56.7, Heb 10.25, Prv 1.20-21, 24, 8.34, Acts 13.42, Lk 4.16, Acts 2.42.

7. It is a law of our natural, earthly life that some appropriate amount of time be set aside for the worship of God. In his word God has similarly commanded all men in every age to keep one day in seven holy unto him as a Sabbath.34From the beginning of the world up to the resurrection of Christ, this Sabbath was the last day of the week. Since the resurrection of Christ it has been changed to the first day of the week, called the Lord’s day in Scripture, and is to be continued until the end of the world as the Christian Sabbath.35

34. Ex 20.8-11, Is 56.2,4,6-7.

35. Gn 2.2-3, 1 Cor 16.1-2, Acts 20.7, Rv 1.10, Ex 20.8,10, Mt 5.17-18; these texts are cited in connection with the example of the apostles and the early church.

8. The Sabbath is kept holy unto the Lord when men prepare their hearts for it; arrange for their daily affairs to be taken care of beforehand; rest the whole day from their own works and words, and from thoughts about their worldly activities and recreations;36and take up the whole time in public and private worship and in the duties of necessity and mercy.37

36. Ex 20.8, 16.23, 25-26,29-30, 31.15-17, Is 58.13, Neh 13.15-22, Lk 23.56.

37. Is 58.13, Mt 12.1-13.

2. Loof die Here in gebed vir die spesifieke wysheid en insig wat die geloofsbelydenisse jou gee oor wat God van jou met die vierde en vyfde gebod verwag.

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Wie is God?

Chris van Wyk

Ek is Direkteur van Bediening en Geestelike Vorming by Veritas College International. My passie in die lewe is om God bo alles te dien en gelowiges in geloofsvorming te begelei. I am Director of Ministry and Spiritual Formation at Veritas College International. My passion in life is to serve God above all and to lead believers in faith formation.

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