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Wat is God? – Die getuienis van die belydenisskrifte

1. Lees die aanhalings uit die belydenisskrifte hieronder. Wat leer jy van God se wese en werke, sy sorg, sy weë en werklikheid uit die geloofsbelydenisse van die verlede? Hoe laat dit jou voel?

Nederlandse Geloofsbelydenis 1

Theta – Griekse letter-simbool vir God


Ons glo almal met die hart en bely met die mond dat daar ‘n enige en enkelvoudige geestelike Wese is wat ons God noem. Hy is ewig, onbegryplik, onsienlik, onveranderlik, oneindig, almagtig, volkome wys, regverdig, goed en die alleroorvloedigste fontein van alles wat goed is.

2 Kor. 3:17; Joh. 4:24; Jes. 40:14.

Westminster Geloofsbelydenis 2.1-2

God and the Holy Trinity

There is only one living and true God,1who is infinite in being and perfection,2a completely pure spirit,3invisible,4without body, parts, or emotions,5unchangeable,6immensely vast,eternal,limitless,almighty,10 completely wise,11 completely holy,12 completely free,13 and completely absolute.14He works everything according to the purpose of his own unchangeable and completely righteous will15for his own glory.16He is completely loving,17gracious, merciful, and long-suffering. He overflows with goodness and truth. He forgives wickedness, transgression, and sin, 18and rewards those who diligently seek him.19His judgments are completely just and awesome; 20he hates all sin21and will not acquit the guilty.22

1. Dt 6.4, 1 Cor 8.4,6, 1 Thes 1.9, Jer 10.10

2. Jb 11.7-9, 26.14, Jer 23.24, Ps 147.5, 1 Kgs 8.27, Ps 139.

3. Jn 4.24.

4. 1 Tm 1.17.

5. Dt 4.15-16, Jn 4.24, Lk 24.39, Acts 14.11,15.

6. Jas 1.17, Mal 3.6.

7. 1 Kgs 8.27, Jer 23.23-24.

8. Ps 90.2, 1 Tm 1.17.

9. Ps 145.3, Rom 11.33.

10. Gn 17.1, Rv 4.8.

11. Rom 16.27.

12. Is 6.3, Rv 4.8.

13. Ps 115.3.

14. Ex 3.14, Is 44.6, Acts 17.24-25.

15. Eph 1.11.

16. Prv 16.4, Rom 11.36, Rv 4.11.

17. 1 Jn 4.8-10, 16, Jn 3.16.

18. Ex 34.6-7.

19. Heb 11.6.

20. Neh 9.32-33, Heb 10.28-31.

21. Ps 5.5-6, Heb 1.13.

23. Na 1.2-3, Ex 34.7.

God has all life, glory, goodness, and blessedness in and of himself.23He alone is all-sufficient in and unto himself, nor does he need any of his creations or derive any glory from them. Rather, he manifests his own glory in, by, unto, and on them.24He is the only source of all being, by whom, through whom, and to whom everything exists.25He has completely sovereign dominion over all things and does with, to, or for them whatever he pleases.26Everything is revealed and completely open to him.27His knowledge is infinite, infallible, and does not depend on any created being,28so that to him nothing is conditional or uncertain.29He is completely holy in all his purposes, works, and commands.30To him is due whatever worship, service, or obedience he is pleased to require from angels, human beings, and all other creatures.31

23. Jn 5.26, Acts 7.2, Ps 119.68, 1 Tm 6.15, Rom 9.5.

24. Acts 17.24-25, Jb 22.2,23, Ps 50.12, Is 4.12-17.

25. Rom 11.36, Is 40.12-17.

26. Rv 4.11, 1 Tm 6.15, Dn 4.25, 35, Eph 1.11.

27. Heb 4.13.

28. Rom 11.33-34, Ps 147.5.

29. Acts 15.18, Ez 11.5, Is 46.9-11, Prv 15.3.

30. Ps 145.17, Rom 7.12.

31. Rv 5.12-14, 7.11-12.

2. Loof die Here in gebed vir die spesifieke wysheid en insig wat die inhoud van hierdie geloofsbelydenisse jou gee.

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Wie is God?

Chris van Wyk

Ek is Direkteur van Bediening en Geestelike Vorming by Veritas College International. My passie in die lewe is om God bo alles te dien en gelowiges in geloofsvorming te begelei. I am Director of Ministry and Spiritual Formation at Veritas College International. My passion in life is to serve God above all and to lead believers in faith formation.

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