Bydraes hervat weer Donderdag
My program die afgelope twee weke was net te vol om by te bly met die bydraes oor Job. Ek hoop om die bydraes weer Donderdag te hervat. Jammer!
Hier is sommer twee aanhalings wat julle sal interesseer uit ‘n boek waarmee ek tans besig is: The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, 2004, deur Gary R. Habermas en Michael R. Licona van Kregel Publications gepubliseer by Grand Rapids.
Oor God se bestaan
There is good evidence that God exists.” Not only does the resurrection of Jesus provide strong evidence for the existence of God, but new understandings of complexity make recent arguments for an intelligent Designer of the universe very compelling. Scientific discoveries made during the past thirty-five five years in the fields of molecular biology and astrophysics have increased awareness of the intelligence behind creation. In addition, many have found compelling the arguments for an eternal first Cause of everything. Therefore, this interconnected account involving Jesus’ resurrection is better explained as God’s confirmation of his claims to divinity than an alien playing a cosmic joke.
Oor die opstanding
The resurrection of Jesus is the cornerstone of Christianity, which stands or crumbles depending on whether this event actually occurred. The “minimal facts approach” considers only those historical data that are so strongly attested that virtually all scholars who study the subject grant them as facts, even the majority of nonbelieving scholars.
Therefore, one cannot object to Jesus’ resurrection because he rejects the Bible, since in our argument nothing hinges on the trustworthiness of the Bible.Using this approach, we have observed four minimal facts, plus a fifth fact that is granted by an impressive majority, though not virtually all of scholars. We refer to these five facts as “4+ 1.”We have seen that (1) Jesus died due to crucifixion. Subsequent to his death, (2) the original disciples sincerely believed that Jesus rose from the dead and appeared to them. Since the disciples themselves claimed to be eyewitnesses to the resurrected Jesus, a legend developed over time cannot account for the story. Since there is good evidence that they believed that what they said was fact, deliberate lies cannot account for it either.We have also seen that there is good evidence to support the credibility of the disciples’ claims about the resurrection of Jesus. (3) We have credible testimony from one enemy of Christianity (Paul) and (4) one skeptic (James), both of whom converted to Christianity based on their beliefs that the risen Jesus had appeared to them. Therefore, not only did Jesus’ friends believe that he had risen and appeared to them, one of his foes did as well, as did a skeptic.Moreover, (5) the tomb was empty, a fact totally consistent with a resurrection.
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- Ons lees die boek Job van 12 Januarie af - December 29, 2015
- Inleiding op die boek Job - January 12, 2016
- Die boodskap van Job
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- Indeling van die boek Job
- Lees, luister, leef
- Job 1 – Sal Job vroom bly, al word hy sonder rede geruïneer? - January 13, 2016
- Job 2 – Job bly vroom, al word hy sonder rede geruïneer - January 14, 2016
- Job 3 – Job vervloek sy geboortedag - January 15, 2016
- Job 4:1-5:1 – Elifas: Gee jou vroomheid jou geen hoop nie? - January 18, 2016
- Job 5:2-27 – Elifas: Dit gaan goed met die mens wat deur God tereggewys word
- Job 6 – Julle beskou medelye met ‘n vriend as ‘n las - January 20, 2016
- Job 7 – In my bittere beproewing soek ek vergifnis
- Job 8 – Bildad: Teenspoed beteken God se afkeur en voorspoed sy goedkeuring - January 22, 2016
- Job 9 – Waarom pynig die Here my sonder dat ek dit verdien? - January 25, 2016
- Job 10 – Maak aan my bekend waarom U hierdie stryd teen my voer
- Job 11 – Sofar: As jy jou verstand reg gebruik, sal jy jou kop sonder skaamte kan oplig - January 27, 2016
- Oorsig oor die eerste gespreksrondte – Job 3-11 - January 28, 2016
- Job 12:1-13:19 – Bly liewer stil, ek wil met die Here praat - January 29, 2016
- Job 13:20-14:22 – As ‘n mens sterf, sal hy weer lewe? - February 1, 2016
- Job 15 – Elifas: Jou swaarkry en lyding bewys dat jy goddeloos is - February 2, 2016
- Job 16 – Verander van Vyand in Vriend - February 3, 2016
- Job 17 – Wees tog vir my ‘n borg, o God!
- Job 18 – Bildad: Die onheil wag jou gretig in, omdat jy God nie erken nie - February 5, 2016
- Job 19 – Ek weet dat my Losser leef, uiteindelik sal Hy op die aarde triomfeer! - February 8, 2016
- Job 20 – Sofar: Terwyl jy jou nog so vol eet, laat God sy woede oor jou losbreek - February 9, 2016
- Oorsig oor die tweede gespreksrondte – Job 12-20 - February 10, 2016
- Job 21 – Waarom bly die goddeloses aan die lewe?
- Job 22 – Elifas: Jy was onregverdig en onbarmhartig, daarom gaan jy onder - February 11, 2016
- ‘n Paar opmerkings oor ‘n moontlike ander lees van hfst. 24-27 - February 12, 2016
- Job 23 – My soeke na God is vrugteloos en maak my vreesbevange - February 15, 2016
- Job 24 – Waarom reken die Almagtige nie in hierdie lewe af met onregverdiges nie? - February 16, 2016
- Job 25 – Bildad: God is groter as jy!
- Job 26 – Met wie se hulp het jy gepraat? - February 17, 2016
- Job 27 – So lank ek lewe, sal ek niks verkeerd sê nie - February 18, 2016
- ‘n Oorsig oor die derde gespreksrondte – Job 21-27 - February 19, 2016
- Job 28 – Om die Here te dien, is wysheid; om die kwaad te vermy, is insig - February 22, 2016
- Bydraes hervat weer Donderdag - February 23, 2016
- Job 29 – Die beste jare van my lewe was as vertroueling van God - February 25, 2016
- Job 30 – Ek roep na U om hulp, maar U antwoord my nie - February 26, 2016
- Job 31 – Ek bly verbind tot vroomheid - February 27, 2016
- Oorsig oor die gesprek van Elihu met Job en sy drie vriende – Job 32-37
- Job 32 – Elihu: My gees dwing my om te praat - February 28, 2016
- Job 33 – Elihu 1: God hoef nie rekenskap aan jou te gee nie - February 29, 2016
- Job 34 – Elihu 2: God doen niks verkeerd nie! - March 3, 2016
- Job 35 – Elihu 3: Jou vroomheid is onder verdenking - March 4, 2016
- Job 36-37 – Elihu 4: God se grootheid nooi ons uit om Hom te dien - March 5, 2016
- Job 38-39 – Wie is dit wat my bedoelinge dwarsboom? - March 7, 2016
- Job 40-42:6 – Ek het oor dinge gepraat wat ek nie begryp het nie - March 8, 2016
- Job 42:7-17 – Die Here verander die omstandighede van Job
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