Veritas module 1 facilitator training for pastors and leaders
The dates and times are set for our special intensive training for pastors and leaders to become Veritas module 1 facilitators. We convene at Lighthouse PE in Newtonpark on Monday to Thursday, 22-25 January 2024 from 09:00-17:00, except for Thursday when we close at 13:00.
Please fill in the registration form and send it back to me before 15 January. Invoices will then be sent to everybody. The total cost is R750 for the facilitator and participant guides. Lunch will be provided, thanks to Trevor Anderson! At present it looks like 7 people attending, including myself. You will also have access to the pdfs afterwards for online training if you would like to venture into that.
May the Lord bless you in 2024!
Chris van Zyl
Chris, ek sal R750 skenk sodat iemand wat graag die opleiding wil doen, maar dit nie kan bekostig, wel die geleentheid kan benut.
Chris van Wyk
Hi Chris, baie dankie! Jy kan dit inbetaal vir VCI (SA): ABSA Bank, Rekening nommer: 4076 44 1929, Tak kode: 632005 met verwysing Oos-Kaap
Hester Fourie
Ek is van Ventersburg in die Vrystaat, 50 km vanaf Welkom en 160 km vanaf Bloemfontein. Is dit dalk moontlik dat dieselfde opleiding hier kan geskied. Ek is gelegitimeer as diens leraar en Sal baie graag die opleiding wil meemaak.
Seën op u werk
Hester Fourie
Chris van Wyk
Hi Hester, ek sal jou detail deurgee aan ons Vrystaat opleiers dan kyk ons wat ons kan reël. Stuur ook net per e-pos vir my jou selnommer.